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RiskSolutions, Inc. was founded in 2003, to provide a state-of-the-art Web based database for employers. This database provide accurate and meaningful data points that when put together in report formats gives employers key information data in managing their workers' compensation incidence and costs.


A web based software product that allows employers to track their workers' compensation claims and monitor the efficiency and effectiveness of the insurance carrier or third party administrator (TPA). The software is based on expert systems which guide the employer through the milestones of a claim. Through automated diaries, automated emails, and automated prompts, it puts the employer in the expert seat to drive their claims.

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W/C Analyst

A web based software product that can work in conjunction with CompTrakker or as a stand alone product. W/C Analyst is designed to give employers quality loss run analysis that reflects with accuracy, their losses and financial status of the incurred claims. The data that is entered into the software is "data scrubbed" for accuracy. Carriers and TPA 's delegate data input to the lowest level in their organizations. Many entries are classified as multiple or not otherwise specified (NOS) which does not give the employer the management information that is needed to effectively identify and correct safety issues.

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