rslogo-sm (1K) Nurse on Call™ for Employers


Nurse on Call™ is designed to give employers the flexibility and cost savings of having a plant nurse while not having to carry the overhead of a salary and benefits. A nurse is geographically located within an industrial area and will respond to an employer's need for medical assistance for an injured worker within 15 minutes.

  • Triage by the nurse can save costly referral to your industrial medical provider.
  • No travel time for injured workers or supervisors.
  • First aids remain first aids and are not reported to your insurance carrier.
  • First Aid and CPR training can be scheduled for 1st Responders onsite.
  • Documentation is maintained by the nurse.
  • 5020 Employer's First Report of Injury can be made out by the nurse when necessary.
  • Provide onsite training for safety programs.
  • Be a member of the safety committee.
  • If the injured worker needs to be seen at the industrial medical provider the nurse can perform essential communication functions including:
    • Giving the clinic instructions on what is medically necessary. Eg. the injured worker just needs an x-ray and a tetanus shot (maintaining 1st Aid definitions by OSHA)
    • Communicating RTW issues and needs of the employer and then working with the supervisor to provide modified duty.
    • Monitor the treatment plan for the 1st 90 days to insure the injured worker is satisfied with the treatment and that the medical provider is providing treatment that adheres to the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (ACOEM) which utilization review uses to judge the medical necessity of the treatment plan.
    • Expedite moving injured worker to discharge from care and claim closure.
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Employers are charged a flat enrollment fee on a yearly basis. This entitles the employer to have access to Nurse on Call™. The enrollment fee is based on the number of employees and shifts to be covered. Telephonic triage's enrollment fee is less than field.

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Two levels of Nurse on Call™ are available:
Strictly Telephonic

The nurse is available by phone. The nurse will provide basic triage over the phone. In a case of a laceration or a burn a digital picture will be taken and emailed to the nurse. The nurse will coordinate care with the first responder or the industrial clinic. The nurse will continue to coordinate the treatment plan and RTW issues.

Field Triage

When the nurse is called to the location, the employer will be billed at quarter hour increments with the hourly rate being $85.00 per hour. The employer only pays for the time the nurse is onsite. No commute time since the nurse is within a geographic boundary. Safety programs, training and safety committee meetings can be handled on a flat rate.

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