rslogo-sm (1K) Risk Management for TPAs


RiskSolutions, Inc. has a multitude of professionals available for all types of safety related services. These professionals include certified safety professionals that are bi-lingual, ergonomists, and certified industrial hygienists. The services provided are as follows.

Workers' Compensation Background Checks

It is legal to perform these checks on pre-employment post-offer employees. It helps the employer in two ways:

  1. The prospective employee fills out a release form indicating if he/she has had a prior industrial injury. If they deny that they have a prior injury and the report comes back with evidence to the contrary, they have falsified a document.
  2. If they have had a prior injury, the employer can provide the data to the Industrial Clinic providing the pre-employment post-offer physical along with a job description of the physical requirements of the job. This allows the physician to have valuable information before the examination that may lead to identifying factors that may result in injury to the prospective employee.

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Substance Abuse Program

For cause, and minimally after an injury the employer should test the employee for illegal substances. The cornerstone of the program is the "no step" DrugCheck®. This system allows the employer to provide onsite drug testing with results read within 5 minutes. Drug testing in the past has been expensive. The employee had to leave work and drive to the industrial clinic, wait, have the test, and drive back to work. Now the supervisor (same sex) escorts the employee to the restroom, collects the specimen, and then reads the results in 5 minutes. This is a cost effective and efficient alternative.

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Full Ergonomic Services

From assessment, redesign and training, certified ergonomists can help employers reduce the repetitive stress trauma (RST) threats in the workplace. The services are designed to educate managers, supervisors and employees in the prevention of RST's. Early identification is the key to prevention.

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CalOSHA/FedOSHA Training and Updates

RiskSolutions, Inc. provides training for management and supervisors in the latest OSHA regulations. In addition, for a fee, the employer can subscribe to a monthly newsletter and get continuous updates from OSHA to workers' compensation legislation. California is in highly changing climate at this time. Employers must keep informed of the current status of legislation and be ready to adjust to new rules and regulations.

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Safety Programs and Training

Training in all safety (OSHA mandated) programs is available in both English and Spanish. In addition, RiskSolutions, Inc. offers a train the trainer program that leads a supervisor/manager through the steps to be an effective trainer. All materials and manuals may be ordered from RiskSolutions, Inc.

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Claims Management

RiskSolutions, Inc. has documented proof of claims intervention on the behalf of the employer. This is helpful in several ways:

  1. Reserves are reduced and monitored for appropriateness.
  2. Claims are moved towards closure more rapidly.
  3. Employers are protected from adjuster turnover by having a stable force in knowledge of their claims.
  4. Proactive claim reviews are scheduled with the carrier instead the usual non-effective claim reviews. It is imperative to have services in place prior to unit statistical filing date.
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Industrial Clinic Program/Day One Medical Management

The employer's first treatment facility may be costing more than money in hidden costs. Industrial clinics make money by dispensing medications, physical therapy and radiology. Often, unnecessary medications are dispensed to give the provider a "billable event". This minimal cost to the employer seems reasonable except it just moved the injury to an OSHA recordable.

In addition to monitoring for inconsistencies such as above, RiskSolutions, Inc. will provide medical case management on injuries. Medical only claims involve no lost time and minimal medical treatment. Carriers and TPAs do not monitor the medical only claims and only provide a bill paying service. This often results in the claims escalating into indemnities with litigation issues. Litigation increases the cost of the claim by 50% minimally. It is imperative that medical only claims be maintained at that level. Through registered nurses, RiskSolutions, Inc. provides monitoring and appropriate intervention to prevent this costly event.

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Workers' Compensation Audits

A full service audit to insure the employer is in the correct classification, the experience modification is correct, the reported payroll is correct, and that any errors are reversed and monies owed is paid to the employer. This service can provide an employer with overpayments being reversed and insuring that the current and future premiums are accurate.

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ADA Compliant Job Descriptions

Development and use of effective job descriptions will provide cost savings in several ways. First, the physician at the first treatment facility will have an accurate idea of the physical requirements necessary to do the job. This is important in both assessing a prospective employee during a pre-employment post-offer physical and for return to work after an industrial injury. Second, with the new incentives for providing permanent job modifications, an employer must be able to accurately reflect the jobs in their workplace. This also is important in prevention of ADA/FEHA civil litigation for reasonable accommodation issues and unlawful termination.

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